When TEM is executed, it creates a Microsoft Access "Results" Database in the same directory as the TEM input file is saved, with the same base filename as the input file with an ".mdb" extension. The Results Database will contain a series of tables that comprise a complete description of the resultant model conditions, the predicted air concentrations, personal air concentrations and absorbed dose, dermal exposure and absorbed dose, and ingestion exposure and absorbed dose. The contents of the tables are as follows:
Table Name |
Description |
List of Sampled Activity Patterns, including the 24 hour Activity and Location Codes. | |
Simulated Air Concentrations | |
Dermal uptake for each dermal contact | |
Summary of Dermal uptake for each simulation | |
Ingestion uptake for each consumption event. | |
Modeled interzonal airflows for each simulation | |
Contains Breathing Rate, Skin Area, and Water Concentration data for each simulation. | |
Contains a summary of the occupant sampling history, with related information, including the occupant age, gender and the record number in the sampled database. | |
Contains a time history of the personal air concentration and potential inhalation dose for each occupant as a function of simulation. This table has place holders for the internal concentrations predicted by the integrated PBPK model (the PBPK components are not fully functional, so the PBPK concentrations are not meaningful). | |
Description of the source uses and source models, including all associated parameter values, for each simulation. | |
Contains a time history of the water concentration in contact with each occupant’s skin for each simulation. | |
Provides the input values for simulating water uses. | |
Contains the history of all water uses (simulated or definied). | |
Contains a summary of the zone volumes for each simulation. |
The predicted time-varying concentration data given in the Results Database is given as a function of the time in the model in units of days. If when executing the model, the user chose to "Initialize by repeating the first day," the time will start at -1. The reported times less than 1 represent the initialization day, and should typically be discarded.
The columns headers identify the data in the field with a combinations of symbols and numbers. For example, a typical header from the "Concentrations" table is "C(sp=0, Zone=1). This header identifies the data as concentration data for the first specie (based on a 0 based integer system) and the second zone. At this time, TEM is enabled for modeling only one specie during a given execution, so the specie will always be 0. Abbreviations used in the database are as follows:
Abbreviation |
Meaning |
C |
Concentration |
sp |
Specie number |
Zone |
Zone number |
Simulation number |
Sub |
Subject number |
BR |
Breathing rate |
WaterConc |
Water concentration |
PotentialInhD |
Potential inhalation dose |
AbsInhD |
Absorbed inhalation dose |
WC |
Water concentration |
SourceNum |
Source number |
CondFreq |
Conditional frequency |
MeanDur |
Mean duration |
min |
Minutes |
StdDur |
Standard deviation of duration |
MinDur |
Minimum duration |
NumberOfEligible |
Number of eligible records (for the given water use) |