Andrea D. Mason Wilkes E-mail: |
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland U.S. Department of Agriculture Graduate School, Bethesda, Maryland Natural History Field Studies graduate course completed, December 1999: Edible Wild and Useful Plants Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
January 1997 to Present |
Research Engineer and Technical Writer. Wilkes
Technologies, Bethesda, MD Research and analysis of indoor air quality issues and human exposure assessment. Compile and analyze data, write and edit reports and articles on results. |
January 1997 to Present |
Office Manager.
Wilkes Technologies, LLC, Bethesda, MD Manage all financial records, contracts, and payroll.. |
January 2004 to present |
Office Manager. Building Sciences and Engineering Associates, LTD. Bethesda, MD. . Manage all financial records, contracts, and payroll. |
November 1997 to November 2000 |
Free-lance Editor. American Chemical Society, Washington DC Composed monthly "Buyer’s Guide" for ACS publication Environmental Science and Technology describing 10 – 13 new environmental technology products. |
July 1996 to September 1998 |
Free-lance Editor. American Society of Civil Engineers,
Reston, VA Editor of feature articles for ASCE publication Civil Engineering |
November 1997 |
Asthma Management Instructor. American Lung Association. Laurel, MD. Volunteer instructor for “Open Airways” asthma education program. Taught course of six sessions to elementary school children with asthma. Course designed to educate children with asthma on the disease and how to effectively reduce and manage their symptoms. |
September 1996 |
Free-lance Editor. National Research Council, Washington,
DC Editor for Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources. Edited report of the Committee on Research Opportunities and Priorities for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. |
1993 to Present |
Free-lance Science Writer. “A Primrose Path Along the Potomac”: Article on identifying early spring wildflowers in Washington DC area. The Washington Post, Home Section, November 21, 1996 “Invisible Invader: Detecting Carbon Monoxide, Dangerous Byproduct of a Warm and Cozy House”: Feature article on indoor sources of carbon monoxide, health effects, prevention, and carbon monoxide detectors. Cayman Airways Horizons, Sept./Oct., 1996 “The Green Sea Turtle”: Feature article on conservation efforts of Cayman Island Turtle Farm to save the green sea turtle from extinction. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Oct. 29, 1994 “Languishing Leaf Syndrome”: An opinion piece discussing Pittsburgh’s leaf recycling program. Pittsburgh Tribune Review, July 17, 1994 “Conquering the Final Frontier”: Feature article about the Apollo 11 mission on the 25th anniversary. “One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Small Business”: An article about Pittsburgh businesses that do work for NASA. Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Feb. 20, 1994 “Machines Programmed To Go Where Man Cannot”: Feature article about the robot Dante and its mission into a volcano. “Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact When Technology Greets Future”: An article about the robotics research projects at Carnegie Mellon University. |
1990 to 1991 |
Staff Engineer. Almes and Associates Inc., Consulting
Engineers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Designed sanitary landfills, storm water management plans, leachate collection systems, access roads, soil erosion and sediment control plans. |
1987 to 1989 |
Staff Engineer. Pedersen and Pedersen Inc., Consulting
Engineers, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Designed sanitary landfills, storm water management plans, soil erosion and sediment control plans, residential septic systems, residential subdivisions. Performed survey crew work, survey note reduction, plotting, and drafting. Performed and wrote Phase I environmental liability assessments for proposed development properties. |
1986 to 1987 |
Staff Engineer. Meixner Engineers and Surveyors,
Collegeville, PA Designed storm water management plans, residential subdivisions, road layouts. Drafted complete subdivision and survey plans. Wrote Community Impact Study for planned urban development. |
1985 to 1986
Staff Engineer. Rogers, Golden, and Halpern, Consulting
Engineers, Philadelphia Designed sanitary landfills, leachate collection, and erosion and sediment control. Mapped flood plains. Wrote construction specifications and quality assurance plans. Prepared landfill permit applications.
I have over 20 years of experience as an engineering research scientist and technical writer/editor. I have analyzed data for various projects on human exposure to indoor contaminants and written/compiled and edited numerous technical documents and articles for Wilkes Technologies. Recent projects include writing/editing the Help files for the Total Exposure Model (TEM); researching and modeling indoor carbon monoxide exposure; and researching, analyzing data and writing/editing reports on indoor exposure to water-borne contaminants, including analyses of probability distributions for shower, bath, laundry, dishwasher, clothes washer, toilet and faucet uses for various U.S. subpopulations. Reports and papers included literature reviews on pesticide and microenvironmental modeling and water-use/activity pattern data; analyses of the National Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS) and Residential End Uses of Water Study (REUWS) databases; and results from various exposure-modeling projects. During this time, I wrote the monthly “Buyer’s Guide” page for American Chemical Society’s journal, Environmental Science and Technology, and edited several articles for the American Society of Civil Engineers’ journal, Civil Engineering. I have also published seven newspaper articles on science related subjects, including a feature article on carbon monoxide in the Washington Post, Home section. My prior experience is in storm water system design, landfill design, and surveying. |
Wilkes CR, Hern SC, Mason AD, and LL Niang. Feb. 2005. “Probability distributions for showering and bathing water-use behavior for various U.S. subpopulations.” Risk Analysis. Shower and bath frequencies and durations are analyzed, presented and compared for various demographic groups derived from analysis of NHAPS and REUWS databases.
Wilkes CR, Kedderis GL, Mason AD, Niang LL, and JC Lipscomb. June 2006. USEPA. Exposures and internal doses of trihalomethanes in humans: multi-route contributions from drinking water. Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Cincinnati, OH. EPA 600/R-06/087. Presentation of results from exposure and pharmacokinetic modeling study analyzing exposures and internal doses to contaminants in drinking water.
Wilkes CR, Hern SC, Mason AD, Niang LL, and KL Jensen. 2005. Quantification of exposure-related water uses for various U.S. subpopulations. USEPA Exposure and Dose Research Branch. EPA/600/R-06/003. Analysis of household water usage related to showers, baths, toilets, clothes washers, dishwashers, faucets and tap water consumption.
Wilkes CR, Power FW, Blancato JN, Hern SC, Mason AD, Tsang AM, et al. Sept. 2002. “Developing Individual Human Exposure Estimates for Individual DBPs.” Published as Appendix to The Feasibility of performing cumulative risk assessments for mixtures of disinfection by-products in drinking water. Teuschler LK, Rice GE and JC Lipscomb. June 2003. USEPA National Center for Environmental Assessment. EPA/600/R-03/051.
Wilkes CR, Hern SC, Blancato JN, Mason AD, and LL Niang. June 2002. “Analysis of household water-use behavior for use as IAQ model parameters.” Proceedings: The Ninth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Monterey, California, USA.
Koontz MD, Cox SS, and AD Mason. American Chemistry Council. Final Report. July 2001 “Microenvironmental Monitoring: The State-of-the-Science.” Literature review, analysis and report on current research in fields relevant to microenvironmental modeling including building features, emissions, sinks, local mixing, transport, transformations, etc. Contributed to sections on human activity patterns and environmental tobacco smoke. |
SELECTED CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS The Eighth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Edinburgh, Scotland, August 8-13, 1999.
Asthma, Environmental Justice, and Inner Cities Children Seminar, Prepared by US. EPA National Enforcement Training Institute, Washington, DC, August 1997
The Seventh International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Nagoya, Japan, July 21‑26, 1996.
Sustainable Building Technology, Mid-Atlantic Workshop, George Washington University, Institute for the Environment, March 18-20, 1996.
The Sixth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Helsinki, Finland, July 4‑8, 1993.
DC Science Writers Association (DCSWA)
To request more information send mail to Last modified: November 2006 |