Overview Building Sources and Sinks Human Activities Exposure and Dosimetry Model Options Results References Execute Model
NOTE: This is a partial list, with some entries incomplete.
Andelman JB. 1985. Inhalation Exposure in the Home to Volatile Organic Contaminants of Drinking Water. The Science of the Total Environment. Vol 47: 443-460.
Batterman S, Huang A, Wang S, and L Zhang. 2000. Reduction of ingestion exposure to trihalomethanes due to volatilization. Environmental Science and Technology. 34:4418-4424.
Corsi RL and C Howard-Reed. October 2000. Volatilization rates from water to indoor air: Phase II. EPA/600/R-00/096.U.S. EPA. National Center for Environmental Assessment. Washington DC.
Gargas ML, Medinsky MA and ME Anderson. 1995. Pharmacokinetic modeling approaches for describing the uptake, systemic distribution, and disposition of inhaled chemicals. Critical Review in Toxicology. 25(3): 237-254.
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Howard C and Corsi RL. Sept. 1996. Volatilization of chemicals from drinking water to indoor air: Role of the kitchen sink. J. Air and Waste Management. 46:830-837.
International Life Sciences Institute. Risk Science Institute. December 1994. Physiological parameter values for PBPK models. A report prepared under a cooperative agreement with USEPA Office of Health and Environmental Assessment.
Jacobs HL, Du JT, Kahn HD, and KA Stralka. April 2000. Estimated Per Capita Water Ingestion in the United States, Based on Data Collected by the USDA 1994-96 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. EPA/822/00/008. U.S. EPA. Office of Water.
Little JC. April 1992. Human exposure to volatile organic compounds in household tap water: The indoor inhalation pathway. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol 26(4): 836-837.
Lynberg M, Nuckols JR, Langlois P, Ashley D, Singer P, Mendola P, Wilkes C, Krapfl H, Miles E, Speight V, Lin B, Small L, Miles A, Bonin M, Zeitz P, Tadkod A, Henry J, and MB Forrester. June 2001. Assessing exposure to disinfection byproducts in women of reproductive age living in Corpus Christi, Texas, and Cobb County, Georgia: Descriptive results and methods. Environmental Health Perspectives. 109(6):597-604.
Mathew JH. 1992. Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering. Second Edition. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Nazaroff WW and GR Cass. 1986. Mathematical modeling of chemically reactive pollutants in indoor air. Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 20: 924-934.
Sander R. 1996. Compilation of Henry’s Law Constants for Inorganic and Organic Species of Potential Importance in Environmental Chemistry. Version 2. Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry. York University. North York, Ontario, Canada. http://www.science.yorku.ca/cac/people/sander/res/henry.html.
Versar. 1990. Database of Perfluorocarbon Tracer (PFT) Ventilation Measurements. Final Report for USEPA Office of Toxic Substances. Versar, Inc.
Weisel et. al 1998
Wilkes CR, Small MJ, Andelman JB, Giardino NJ, and J Marshall. August 1992. Inhalation exposure model for volatile chemicals from indoor uses of water. Atmospheric Environment, 26A(12):2227-2236.
Wilkes CR, Small MJ, Davidson CI, and Andelman JB. 1996. Modeling the effects of water usage and cobehavior on inhalation exposures to contaminants volatilized from household water. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 6(4):393-412.
Wilkes CR. 1998. Chapter Seven "Case study" and portions of Chapter Four "Developing exposure estimates." Exposure to Contaminants in Drinking Water: Estimating Uptake Through the Skin and by Inhalation, prepared by International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) working group. CRC Press. p. 184-224.
Wilkes C and Nuckols JR. 2000. Comparing exposure classification by three alternative methods: Measured blood levels, questionnaire results, and model predictions (abstract). In: Proceedings of the International Society of Exposure Analysis Conference. Monterey Peninsula, California October 24-27, 2000.
Wilkes CR, Power FW, Blancato JN, Hern SC, Mason AD, Tsang AM, Stephan PM, LL Niang, HE Rector and LS Harrison. Sept. 2002. Developing individual human exposure estimates for individual DBPs. Published as Appendix to The feasibility of performing cumulative risk assessments for mixtures of disinfection by-products in drinking water. Teuschler LK, Rice GE and JC Lipscomb. June 2003. EPA/600/R-03/051. USEPA. National Center for Environmental Assessment.
Wilkes CR, Kedderis GL, Mason AD, and LL Niang. January 2005. Drinking water exposures and internal doses of trihalomethanes in humans. Final Report. USEPA National Center for Environmental Assessment. Cincinnati, Ohio. Order Number: 3C-R335-WASX.